Board Certified Podiatrist in Los Angeles
Dr. Hassid DPM is a Board Certified Podiatrist in Los Angeles who provides a full scope of surgical and non-surgical treatment options. Our mission at SoCal Foot and Ankle Doctors is multifaceted, easy to understand, and always for the betterment of our patients. We practice these steps at each of our locations in Santa Monica, Cedars Sinai, and Marina Del Rey. It starts with our courteous staff who want to help you feel welcomed and respecting your schedule by seeing you promptly, even offering same-day appointments for urgent issues. From there, we want to focus on your entire health, not just your foot and ankle. When we treat our patients, the goal is to get you back on your feet quickly, using the least invasive methods we have available, and the most advanced treatment options grounded in the latest medical science.
Non-Invasive & Advanced Treatments
Dr.Hassid DPM is an expert podiatrist in Los Angeles who specializes in foot and ankle treatments using Non-Invasive & Advanced treatments
We’re driven to get our patients back to their normal activities with the highest level of function, in the least amount of time, using the least invasive treatments possible. There are no “one-size fits all” treatments, we treat each patient individually because each foot and ankle is truly different. Evaluating your physical condition is part of a treatment plan, but so is your lifestyle and the physical challenges your professional and personal life will present while healing. This is what true patient care is all about.
Memberships & Associations
What Our Patients Say
SoCal Foot and Ankle Doctors strive to be the best we can and are grateful for the opportunities we are given to help people heal and get back to doing the things that they love.
3 Convenient Locations For Our Patients

Santa Monica Medical Plaza
1260 15th St. Suite 1014 Santa Monica, CA 90404

Cedars Sinai Medical Towers
8631 W. 3rd st. Suite 940-E Los Angeles, CA 90048

Our Board Certified Podiatrists in Los Angeles
Socal Foot and Ankle doctors are committed to delivering the most exceptional treatments.
Happy Patients
Local Partners

- Comprehensive Treatment of Foot & Ankle Conditions in the Pediatric, Adult & Geriatric population
- 3 Practice Locations Santa Monica Medical Plaza, Cedars Sinai Medical Towers, & UCLA Health in Marina Del Rey
- On Staff with Providence Saint Johns Health Center &Cedars Sinai Medical Center